Recruiting’s Future: Will Tools and Machines Take Over the Recruiter’s Work?

Recruiting’s Future: Will Tools and Machines Take Over the Recruiter’s Work?

Recruiting’s Future: Will Tools and Machines Take Over the Recruiter’s Work?

Recruiting’s Future: Will Tools and Machines Take Over the Recruiter’s Work?

Artificial intelligence continues to make its way into HR, but is robot recruiting here to take replace human experts? Or will it instead help to eliminate our subconscious biases and speedup the recruitment process, saving both time and money? Joblift analyzed the current situation in HR and the data shows: Robot recruiting is particularly adept at entry level positions and hourly wage jobs, but can’t replace the seasoned recruiter’s Rolodex of industry contacts and personal relationships established over the years. Not yet at least.
Here are the requirements for today’s recruiters about the current state of usage and knowledge of robot recruiting tools in the daily business.

The days of spending hours and hours on sifting through piles of CVs to find the few relevant applicants are a thing of the past. Robot recruiting will parse hundreds or thousands of CVs in a matter of seconds, giving recruiters more time for more important tasks.

Active Sourcing & Matching Software
Finding quality candidates and keeping track of them takes a huge amount of hours and organization. Robot recruiting takes care of this by keeping up to date on a candidate’s job status and work history to give relevant potential applicants.

Talent Search Engines
Acceptance rates with robot recruiting are nearly three times higher than through traditional avenues like job boards. Focused and filtered search results are one of the main reasons for being able to find the talent that employers are looking for.

Speech Analysis Technology (Phone Interviews)
Reading cover letters and conducting initial phone interviews are also an important aspect of the system. The robot recruiter can comprehend both written and spoken language to form a more complete profile of the applicant’s personality and communication style.

Before setting up a face-to-face interview, recruiters have to get basic information from applicants regarding start date, compensation, and qualifications. Chatbots take care of this screening process and can even schedule the in person interview.

Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS)
Working with an ATS has become de rigueur in recruiting, but still requires document management and analysis. With Robot recruiting, the computer will do the work for you, leaving you with only the recommended CVs to focus on.

Soft Skills
Companies frequently cite a recruiter’s soft skills as top priority when looking for a recruitment agency: Communication skills above average are required the most in 41 % of the job ads for people manager. The robots can take care of the initial steps for you, but when it comes to finishing the process with companies HR departments, nothing can replace a knowledgeable and friendly human recruiter.

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